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PRF Therapy: 3 Ways It's Different from PRP

PRF Therapy: 3 Ways It's Different from PRP

Thinking about skin or hair rejuvenation and want a natural option? PRF therapy is gaining popularity. But how does it differ from PRP treatments? Keep reading to learn more!
Sep 11th, 2024
How to Get Rid of Spider Veins in Your Face

How to Get Rid of Spider Veins in Your Face

Fed up with spider veins (also called telangiectasia) on your face? These red, blue, or purple squiggles can zap your confidence and have you covering up with makeup. Learn about a treatment that can make spider veins a concern of the past!
Jul 31st, 2024
How To Recognize the Symptoms of Shingles Early On

How To Recognize the Symptoms of Shingles Early On

Are your symptoms due to shingles? Early recognition is key. Read on to discover the signs, understand the condition, and learn about advanced treatments to help you manage and recover from this viral infection.
Jul 1st, 2024
How to Prevent Eczema Flare-ups this Summer

How to Prevent Eczema Flare-ups this Summer

Tired of eczema flare-ups spoiling your summer fun? Learn why warmer temperatures might be triggering your skin issues and the practical things you can do to enjoy sunny days with fewer flare-ups.
Jun 2nd, 2024
All About SRT for Skin Cancer

All About SRT for Skin Cancer

Are you looking for a non-invasive skin cancer treatment that doesn't leave a scar? Discover how superficial radiation therapy (SRT) effectively targets and treats non-melanoma skin cancers with minimal discomfort and no downtime!
May 13th, 2024
Why Do I Keep Getting Cystic Acne?

Why Do I Keep Getting Cystic Acne?

Not only is cystic acne painful, but it can also impact your self-confidence. This uncomfortable condition can be triggered for many reasons. Take a moment to learn more about why you struggle to eliminate this acne.
Jan 1st, 2024

Signs It's Time to Get Help for Psoriasis

Are you experiencing persistent skin flare-ups or itching and unsure if it’s time to consult a dermatologist? Read on to discover the telltale signs that it's time to seek expert advice for your psoriasis.
Dec 11th, 2023

Why Many People Choose Injectables Over a Facelift

Are you longing for a fresher and more youthful look without surgery? You’re not alone! Keep reading as we explore aesthetic injectables and why they’re growing in popularity over traditional facelifts.
Oct 1st, 2023
Potentially Serious Causes of a Pesky Rash

Potentially Serious Causes of a Pesky Rash

Are you dealing with a persistent rash? It could be linked to a severe underlying condition. Keep reading to learn about some significant causes of annoying skin rashes.
Sep 1st, 2023
Will I Ever Outgrow Chronic Acne?

Will I Ever Outgrow Chronic Acne?

Blackheads, pimples, and zits as a teenager are expected. But if your acne continues as an adult, you’re probably wondering if you’ll ever outgrow this frustrating skin condition. Keep reading to learn the answer.
May 1st, 2023

You Don't Have to Live With Unsightly Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are an unfortunate fact of life for many people. But now they’ve met their match thanks to advancements in laser technology. Learn how you can banish these unsightly skin blemishes for good.
Apr 11th, 2023

Am I a Good Candidate For Tumescent Liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction offers the same body contouring benefits as traditional liposuction — without general anesthesia. This procedure isn’t for everyone, however. Read on to learn if you’re a good candidate.
Mar 8th, 2023
Is Scabies Contagious?

Is Scabies Contagious?

Scabies involves an itchy rash triggered by tiny skin mites. If you or a loved one have scabies, you might wonder if this common skin issue is contagious. Keep reading to find out.
Feb 16th, 2023
I'm Embarrassed About My Spider Veins

I'm Embarrassed About My Spider Veins

The skirts and shorts of the warmer summer months may seem far off. But if you’re embarrassed about spider veins, winter is the perfect time to start treatment. Learn how we can give you legs you'll be happy to show off this summer.
Jan 17th, 2023
Will My Excessive Sweating Condition Resolve on Its Own?

Will My Excessive Sweating Condition Resolve on Its Own?

If you’re struggling with the embarrassment and hassle that excessive sweating brings, chances are you’re wondering if the condition will resolve on its own. Take a moment to learn the answer and more about hyperhidrosis.
Dec 7th, 2022
Why Do I Keep Getting Acne?

Why Do I Keep Getting Acne?

If you’re well past the teen years but still getting acne, chances are you want to know why. Take a moment to learn about what contributes to adult acne and the ways we can help you achieve clearer skin.
Oct 7th, 2022
Scabies: It's More Than Just an Itch

Scabies: It's More Than Just an Itch

Do you or someone you love have an itchy rash? It could be scabies, a common skin problem caused by tiny mites. Here’s a look at this highly contagious condition and how we can help you stop the itch.
Sep 1st, 2022
The Worst Things You Can Do for Your Skin

The Worst Things You Can Do for Your Skin

Everyone wants healthy and attractive skin. Taking good care of your skin can keep it free from blemishes and prevent premature aging. But the things you do to your skin can also cause it harm. Here’s what you need to know.
Aug 9th, 2022
Do Different Fillers Work Differently?

Do Different Fillers Work Differently?

Dermal fillers can give your appearance the youthful boost you’ve been looking for. But with so many options, do different fillers work in different ways? And which is right for you? Keep reading to find out.
Jun 1st, 2022
How to Manage Shingles Symptoms

How to Manage Shingles Symptoms

Over the course of their lifetime, shingles affects one in three Americans. There's no cure for shingles, but taking steps to manage your symptoms can speed healing and reduce your risk of complications. Here’s what you need to know.
May 15th, 2022
What to Do About Excessive Body Odor

What to Do About Excessive Body Odor

Tired of feeling embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed about excessive body odor? Keep reading to learn about an innovative treatment that stops body odor in its tracks — no surgery or injections required!
Apr 1st, 2022
Is it Possible to Get Rid of Scars?

Is it Possible to Get Rid of Scars?

Wondering if there’s a way to say goodbye to irritating or unsightly scars? We have options! Keep reading to learn more about scars and the different ways we can restore your smooth skin.
Mar 17th, 2022
How the Sun Damages Your Skin

How the Sun Damages Your Skin

Ever wonder how much sun exposure is too much? Discover what you should or shouldn’t do to lessen the detrimental effects of the sun on your delicate skin.
Feb 8th, 2022
Why Do I Sweat More than Other People?

Why Do I Sweat More than Other People?

If you seem to sweat more than others, or simply wish to avoid certain chemicals found in many deodorants, consider options such as miraDry® to keep your sweat in check.
Jan 1st, 2022
What You Need to Know About Cellulitis

What You Need to Know About Cellulitis

When bacteria enter a break in your skin, they can cause infections, such as cellulitis. Discover who’s most at risk and what can be done to prevent serious injury.
Nov 3rd, 2021
How is Tumescent Liposuction Different?

How is Tumescent Liposuction Different?

​​If you’ve ever wished you could remove stubborn fat without anesthesia, tumescent liposuction might be your perfect solution. Learn more from the doctor who invented it.
Oct 4th, 2021
5 Popular Uses for Cosmetic Fillers

5 Popular Uses for Cosmetic Fillers

There’s nothing funny about laugh lines and crow’s feet. Discover 5 ways cosmetic fillers gently remove signs of aging on our skin.
Sep 29th, 2021
SRT for Skin Cancer: What to Expect

SRT for Skin Cancer: What to Expect

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, roughly one in five Americans develops skin cancer before they turn 70. Learn how such technological advances as superficial radiation therapy (SRT) can help.
Aug 9th, 2021

Who Can Get Shingles?

Many believe only seniors get shingles, a viral infection that causes terribly painful skin symptoms. Learn who is most at risk, how to lessen the symptoms, and even reduce the odds of it occurring in the first place.
Jul 19th, 2021

Eradicate that Double Chin Once and for All

No matter how much you diet, you still can’t lose that extra fat beneath your chin. Even if your double chin is genetic, it can be modified to create a leaner, more youthful looking profile.
Jun 16th, 2021

I'm Nervous About Mohs Surgery

Tissue-sparing Mohs surgery offers the highest cure rate (99%) for most skin cancers by carefully removing only one thin layer at a time. Let us slice away your fears along with your disease.
Apr 1st, 2021

Banish Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy

It’s estimated that up to 60% of adults suffer from spider and/or varicose veins. Learn what causes them and how you can remove these unsightly webs with sclerotherapy.
Feb 1st, 2021

What is miraDry®?

If you’re concerned about excessive sweating or the use of aluminum-based deodorants, consider miraDry®. Learn how this remarkable FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment reduces both perspiration and odor.
Oct 4th, 2020

Mohs: All Your Questions Answered

Learn why Mohs surgery is your most effective treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer. And find out if you’re a good candidate for this treatment that has a cure rate of 99%.
Aug 14th, 2020

What Causes Keloids, and What Can I Do about Them?

Keloids, raised scars or growths that form over a cut or injury, can be quite uncomfortable and can present a cosmetic concern. Learn more about what causes keloids and how to take care of them here.
Jul 15th, 2020

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat With Tumescent Liposuction

If you want an effective fat removal procedure that doesn’t have any of the risks that can come with traditional liposuction, then tumescent liposuction is for you! Learn more about this innovative method here.
Jun 23rd, 2020

What's the Difference between Adult and Teenage Acne?

Many patients are surprised to discover they continue to have acne breakouts while they’re in their twenties and thirties. The truth of the matter is you can have acne at any age. Here’s what you need to know about this common condition.
Mar 2nd, 2020

5 Reasons Why Chemical Peels Are so Beneficial

If you want a quick, easy way to reduce wrinkles, remove blemishes, and regain a glowing youthful appearance, it’s time to try a chemical skin peel. Here are five reasons why this may be the best option for you.
Feb 13th, 2020

Why You Should Reconsider CoolSculpting and Opt for Liposuction

Many patients spend tons of money on painful CoolSculpting®, only to be disappointed when the fat returns years later. Though you may think of CoolSculpting as a preferable alternative to liposuction, the procedure has evolved dramatically in recent years.
Jan 17th, 2020

Banish Brown Spots with IPL Therapy

Sun damage, hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and other signs of aging can rob you of your confidence and mar your appearance. Our revolutionary IPL technology can get rid of brown spots and more.
Dec 26th, 2019

What Can I Do About Spider Veins?

Do you have spider veins? Do you wish you could get rid of them? You can. With sclerotherapy, you can banish these unsightly veins. Read on to learn more.
Oct 1st, 2019

Get Silky Smooth Skin With Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a solution that takes care of most problems related to unwanted body hair. Find out how to reclaim the time and energy you have put into removing hair from your body over the years.
Aug 1st, 2019

Your New Nighttime Skin Regimen

Your skin is the largest and, certainly, the most obvious organ that makes up your body, which means it needs plenty of care. This care should be carried out periodically by a medical professional, but you can also do it on your own.
Oct 25th, 2017

Tips for Healthy and Strong Hair, Skin and Nails

Our daily routine in diet and the products we use on our bodies have a great impact on our hair, skin, and nails healthy. Having this in mind, it is important to have personal care products and acquire the appropriate nutrients that will achieve this.
Oct 18th, 2017

Tri-Luma Cream Offers New Hope To Melasma Sufferers

Each year, there are more than 200,000 new cases of melasma, a condition noted for causing brown patches to appear on the skin of the face...Tri-Luma Cream may finally be able to manage those blemishes more fully than sufferers could ever have imagined.
Oct 4th, 2017

5 Simple Steps to Clear, Beautiful Skin

Finding the right skin care product always seems to be the hardest task, especially if you suffer from chronic acne or other damaging skin conditions.
Sep 27th, 2017

Getting Rid of Underarm Sweat for Good with MiraDry

For some, underarm sweat is just a minor annoyance that can easily be rectified by applying deodorant at the beginning of the day, but for others, excessive sweating in everyday situations requires more advanced care in order to be corrected.
Sep 20th, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About Laser Scar Removal

Whether they result from accidents, surgical procedures or certain health conditions, scars can adversely affect a person’s appearance. Fortunately cosmetic procedures are today available that can significantly reduce or even eliminate these ugly blemishes
Sep 13th, 2017

How Illnesses Can Affect The Skin

Whether you have a minor cold or the flu, you may notice that certain illnesses tend to affect your skin in adverse ways. While you should always schedule an appointment with a doctor to learn exactly what is going on and how to resolve the issue...
Sep 6th, 2017

Why Smoking Is Bad for Your Skin

There is no reason to smoke. It does not have any benefits and can harm you in many ways. Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it can also ruin your skin.
Aug 30th, 2017

Anatomy of the Skin

Your skin is by far your largest organ. It is your body’s first line of defense against infection and the elements and regulates your temperature. It also allows you to feel sensations that can be either pleasurable or painful to warn you of potential inju
Aug 23rd, 2017

Dealing With Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can occur as the result of pregnancy, weight changes and the use of certain medications. Women are also at a greater risk for developing this condition than men. This condition can be quite frustrating to deal with.
Aug 16th, 2017

Types of Eczema

Eczema is a common medical problem which causes the skin to become itchy and turn red. If you have this condition, you might notice other symptoms, including the formation of fluid-filled blisters, scaling, cracking and general inflammation.
Jul 26th, 2017

A Guide to Self Skin Examination

Who hasn’t heard advice from professionals to do a self skin examination on a regular basis? But how many realize how often or how thoroughly this should be carried out?
Jul 17th, 2017

Specific differences in the 5 types of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that causes red, sometimes scaly patches to appear on the skin. It may be very itchy and painful and can be mild, moderate, or severe. It is not contagious and once diagnosed can be treated and managed, but flareups may still occur.
Jul 12th, 2017

Lip Care for Every Season

Changing seasons call for a transition in your skin care routine, and what flesh is more delicate than your lips? Take special care to change your lip care year-round and you’ll be whistling comfortably and smiling widely all the year through.
Jul 5th, 2017

History of Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a procedure used to treat skin cancer. The operation gets its name from Frederick E. Mohs, M.D., who received the idea of manipulating tissue to treat cancer as a student under his mentor, Dr. Michael Guyer from 1929-1934.
Jun 28th, 2017

Dysplastic Nevi or Just a Mole?

Moles are common colored spots on the skin caused by an increase in the melanin, or the protein in the cell that causes darker coloration. Therefore, moles consist of melanocytes.
Jun 14th, 2017

What is a Full Body Skin Exam?

A full body skin exam is an easy but important procedure, since the majority of skin conditions are highly treatable with early detection. A full body exam is fast, painless and non-invasive and should be a part of your annual health routine.
Jun 8th, 2017

The Dangers of Indoor Tanning

The World Health Organization has stated that indoor tanning increases the risk of cancer. In fact, people who use indoor tanning beds are 59% more likely to develop melanoma.
May 31st, 2017

Can Sunscreen Help Prevent Aging?

There are many ways you can prevent aging on your skin now, and you don’t have to worry about these prevention methods taking up too much time. In fact, the easiest way to help prevent aging is by wearing sunscreen.
May 17th, 2017

What Causes Adult Acne?

Adult acne has reached an unprecedented high in recent years, to such a degree that dermatologists have seen a rise in treating acne alongside wrinkles and treating adults even up into their 50’s for unwanted skin breakouts.
May 10th, 2017

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

The American Academy of Dermatology is running a campaign this year with a simple and direct phrase stating, “Check your partner. Check yourself.” It is important to recognize the signs of skin cancer in order to identify it quickly and therefore...
May 3rd, 2017

4 Common Skincare Myths

We all want to have youthful, glowing and flawless skin. As it turns out, many of us are willing to go to great lengths in order to achieve this goal, spending hundreds of dollars annually on skincare products and beauty treatments.
Apr 26th, 2017

Moisturizing 101: Cream vs Lotion

Like most people, you want to keep your skin soft and hydrated. But doing so can get complicated, especially with all the products that are available.
Apr 12th, 2017

Skin Cancer and How to Protect Yourself

In the last 30 years, more people in the world have been diagnosed with skin cancer than all other cancers combined. It is one of the most common forms of cancer, but also one of the most ignored.
Apr 5th, 2017

Chemical Peels and What to Expect

A chemical peel is a procedure meant to enhance and smooth the texture of your skin. It is a potent treatment (medical therapy) for wrinkles, facial blemishes, and rough skin pigmentation.
Mar 14th, 2017

How to Care for Your Skin after Laser Hair Removal

To be clear, laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a laser in order to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, a beam passes through the skin to individual hair follicles.
Mar 9th, 2017