Revitalize your skin for the New Year. Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein and his talented team at HK Dermatology in San Juan Capistrano, California utilize state-of-the-art lasers to lessen unsightly scars, spots, and stretch marks for a brand new you.

How laser treatments work

In a little as five minutes, our team zaps your blemishes using noninvasive lasers, as follows:

  • Pulses of light gently penetrate your outer skin layers to stimulate new skin growth.
  • Healthy skin grows over the old scar or blemish.
  • New skin looks more uniform and smooth.

Our team also uses laser scar treatments to decrease any scar-related pain or itchiness and improve your range of motion, which may have been reduced by scarring.

Fractional laser skin resurfacing promotes faster healing

Our laser treatments also reduce stretch marks due to pregnancy or weight gain. Ablative lasers resurface your skin, enabling smoother skin to grow in its place. Non-ablative lasers create collagen growth that produces healthier skin from within.

At the offices of Dr. Klein, we utilize non-ablative fractional lasers that work both above and below your skin. We target a smaller area than other types of lasers via micro beams and leave surrounding skin untouched for little or no downtime, faster healing, and fewer side effects.

We also reduce the look of wrinkles, discoloration, and other spots. Pulses of light break down these and other undesirable blemishes, resulting in a more vibrant appearance. You may notice some redness and scabbing after the treatment, but it should disappear in a few weeks, leaving your skin more uniformly pleasing.

Before, during and after treatment

Follow a few guidelines for the best experience.


  • Reschedule if you have any major breakouts or infections near the area being treated
  • Stop using topical or oral retinoids a week prior to your treatment


  • We numb your skin with a topical gel
  • Our micro-fractional laser zaps tiny areas of your skin for up to 30 minutes
  • You’ll feel a sensation like tiny pinpricks but no pain


  • Stay in the shade and use sunscreen
  • Avoid any harsh products on your skin for a week
  • Gently clean and moisturize twice a day per your doctor’s instructions

We provide you with aftercare instructions and what to expect during the days and weeks to follow. Depending upon your treatment, you can look forward to noticeably refreshed skin with fewer blemishes, scars, or stretch marks after one or more sessions.

Start the New Year with a new you

If you’re ready to renew your skin for the New Year, schedule an appointment with our qualified team at 949-248-1632, or book an appointment online today.

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