Blemishes on your skin as a result of acne can result in low levels of confidence and self esteem. Although acne is more common as a teenager it can affect skin on adults as well. Many women suffer from acne well into adulthood. When acne becomes unmanageable, it’s time to take a serious look at dermatology.
Food and Your Skin
Since oil is a common cause of acne, the foods you choose to eat can have an affect on your skin. When bacteria and oil combine on the skin, acne is usually the result. Inflammatory acne can be directly caused by dead cells of skin. These cells are capable of producing both white heads and black heads. Refined carbohydrates can cause your insulin level to rise. This will also cause your body to produce more oil resulting in acne. Dermatologists have discovered that reducing foods including sugar, processed cereals, and white bread can stifle your acne break outs.
Certain animal products can result in the growth of both whiteheads and blackheads. Dairy products have been shown to contribute to acne in some studies. Eating a healthy, natural, and colorful diet is always a good choice for the overall health of your body and skin.
Treating and Preventing Acne
Sometimes oral antibiotics are used by dermatologists for acne prevention. The problem with antibiotics though is that after long term use, you can build up immunity to the antibiotics. Then your dermatologist may try a different antibiotic or another form of treatment. Many dermatologists begin with a low dose of antibiotic therapy. Doxycycline, for example, which can prescribed in a lower dosage, is an anti-inflammatory drug. It can be quite useful in preventing acne from flaring up without causing the patient to build up a resistance.
Many women who are suffering from acne are experiencing a hormonal imbalance. This is especially common in individuals who did not experience acne when they were a teenager. In most cases, the acne will develop on the jawline. Acne prevention in the case of a hormonal imbalance usually includes “The Pill,” as in birth control. The increase in estrogen from the pill is great at combating and preventing acne. Another drug called Spironolactone is originally designed to treat high blood pressure, but this drug will lower the level of testosterone, which can also be a helpful treatment. Making an appointment to see a dermatologist is a good idea.
Chemical peels are used by quite a few dermatologists to treat acne. A glycolic peel is incredibly beneficial to your skin. Dead cells of skin and bacteria become trapped inside of your pores. Glycolic acid has the ability to break the bonds of the bacteria and cells of skin and greatly assists dermatologists in acne treatments.
There is no reason to continue suffering from acne no matter what your age. A consultation with us will put you on the path to clear skin. There are numerous treatments available to help you stop acne break outs and give you the beautiful skin you deserve.