What is Kybella?

Kybella (deoxycholic acid), is an effective injectable treatment that works to break down fat stored below the chin, also known as submental fat. Kybella is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body and the first and only FDA approved injectable product to treat the double chin.

What is treatment like?

It is an injectable alternative to surgery or liposuction to treat chin fat. KYBELLA™ works to destroy the fat cells and then reabsorbed in the body.

Each treatment session with KYBELLA™ is typically 15 to 20 minutes. Number of treatment vary for each individual and typically range from 2-4 for best results.

Side Effects

The most common side effects of KYBELLA™ include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness,
and areas of hardness in the treatment area.

Kybella Results

KYBELLA™ treatment resulted in high patient satisfaction. 79% of patients treated with KYBELLA™ reported satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin.

Call to schedule your appointment for KYBELLA™ and remove the double chin!