86 Year Old Female – Squamous Cell (Invasive) Treatment – Mid Upper Lip

Age at Treatment: 86

Area of Treatment: Mid Upper Lip

Original Lesion

Diagnosis (Dx): Squamous Cell (Invasive)
Dimension: 0.6 cm x 0.6 cm


I am happy and satisfied with SRT treatment. ~JD


77 Year Old Female -Squamous Cell Treatment

Age at Treatment: 77

Area of Treatment: Left Lower Leg

Original Lesion

Diagnosis (Dx): Squamous Cell
Dimension: 1.0 cm x 1.5 cm


I am very pleased with the SRT treatment, and I have recommended SRT to friends. I would choose SRT over MOHS, the SRT treatments were very fast and easy. Pros for SRT were: no cutting, no pain, no irritation, no change in activities. I still have a little bit of dryness on the SRT site, but Dr. Norma gave me an ointment to put on it that seems to be helping. ~BM