According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, approximately 10% of the population experiences keloid scars at some point in their lives, often following an injury. Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein and our other practitioners at HK Dermatology in San Juan Capistrano, California treat and remove raised, unsightly growths to relieve your pain, itching, and discomfort.

Let the healing begin

Dr. Klein uses superficial radiation therapy (SRT) to eradicate treatment-resistant keloid scars. These non-malignant tumors may form on your shoulders, chest, and cheeks, and anywhere your skin’s sustained an injury from surgery, abrasion, or an illness such as chickenpox. We utilize painless radiation via SRT-100™ to penetrate and remove your keloid, leaving only healthy skin behind.

Tissue-saving technology

Traditional keloid removal normally holds a 100% regrowth rate. Using SRT-100™, we greatly improve those odds, removing less skin and reducing recurrence to just 10%.

Other methods to remove keloids

While SRT may be the simplest, most successful method of keloid removal, there are other options. These include:

  • Surgery to remove the entire keloid
  • Corticosteroid injections to shrink the keloid
  • Cryotherapy to freeze the keloid, reducing its size and hardness
  • Silicone gel to flatten the growth
  • Injections of 5-fluorouracil, a substance used in chemotherapy, to decrease the size

We can also reduce the formation of keloids by applying a pressure dressing, silicone gel pads, or paper tape over an injury. While superficial radiation therapy seems the best course of action in terms of regrowth, our providers may combine methods for an even better outcome.

The ABCs of keloids

Although keloids occur most often on the back, chest, and shoulders, they also appear anywhere following an injury or operation, such as open-heart surgery. Even the backs of your ears can form keloid scars after a piercing. Keloids also:

  • Extend beyond the injured area
  • Appear elevated, smooth, and rounded
  • May interfere with mobility and joint function

These unsightly scars may take months or even years to reach their full size. While people with darker skin tend to form keloids more often, anyone can experience them. Gently massaging a scar may reduce its appearance; however, more is usually needed. Fortunately, Dr. Klein and our team can remove keloids regardless of their size, though smaller is always better.

Keloid versus hypertrophic scar

Hypertrophic scars often flatten over time without treatment. Keloids don’t. Although keloids look a lot like hypertrophic scars, there are several distinct differences:

  • Hypertrophic scars don’t grow beyond the injury’s boundary
  • Keloids spread to the tissue surrounding injury
  • Keloidal collagen bundles occur more often in keloids than hypertrophic scars

While further research is needed, both types appear to be fibroproliferative skin disorders that merely differ in their level of inflammation. Various home remedies may reduce inflammation and scarring, such as applying garlic, honey, or onions to lessen the number of fibroblast cells entering your skin; these cells cause scar tissue to form in the first place. Our team reviews all your options for removing these unwanted growths.

To discuss keloid removal with SRT or other skin-related issues, or to schedule a routine checkup with one of our providers, call us at 949-248-1632, or book an appointment online today.

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