There is no reason to smoke. It does not have any benefits and can harm you in many ways. Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it can also ruin your skin.

Smoking Cuts off Oxygen

Smoking reduces blood flow to your skin. If this happens, then your skin will not be able to get the oxygen and nutrients that it needs. This can increase the risk of skin infections. It can also make it harder for acne scars and other skin issues to heal.

Causes the Skin to Age Faster

When many people think about things that can cause your skin to age faster, they only think about the sun. However, smoking can actually cause your skin to age quicker than the sun. There are several ways that smoking can accelerate the aging process. When you smoke, you tighten your mouth and squint your eyes. This can cause wrinkles to develop around those areas.

It can also cause your skin to lose moisture. Wrinkles are more likely to develop if your skin is dry. There have been studies done to confirm that smoking can accelerate the aging process. One of the studies compared non-smokers to smokers. The results of the studies showed that moderate smokers were twice as likely to develop wrinkles. Heavy smokers were three times as likely to develop wrinkles.

There was another study done that examined people who smoked 30 cigarettes per day. The results of the study showed that a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes per day would look like an 84-year-old when they are 70-years-old.

Increases the risk of Skin Cancer

If you smoke, then you are more likely to develop skin cancer. UV rays also increase the risk of skin cancer. Smoking can amplify the damage that is done by UV rays.

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